- سنة التاسيس1993
- حجم العمالة600
- نوع النشاطشركة خاصة
About MedLabs Consultancy Group
Our Inspiration (Vision):
To nurture healthy societies across the MENA region and beyond by providing exemplary medical laboratory service while integrating internally with our team members and externally with the communities we serve through purpose, commitment and care.
Our Path (Mission):
To be a caring company rooted in group practice that provides outstanding medical laboratory services, set to the highest international quality standards. To be a knowledge creating and innovation- driven organization that keeps up with the latest technological advancements in the field of laboratory medicine while advancing organizational and societal development. To create positive and safe environments by embodying empathy towards our patients, communities and colleagues, aligning our personal inner callings with those of the organization.
Our Core Beliefs (Values):
Care: We treat our employees, partners and patients with honesty, empathy and respect to build positive caring relationships that nurture trust, sustainability and growth. We are proud of the professionalism of our multi-talented and multi-cultural team of men and women whose traditions embrace generosity and dependability and the belief that” Behind every sample is a human life.”
Knowledge Sharing: We encourage open interactive dialogue that leads to a positive culture of communication and stimulates learning knowledge sharing, technological innovation and community building.
Community and Consciousness: We passionately meet the needs of the communities we serve by aligning the individual inner calling of our employees with the inspiration of the organization.